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Business model Update

Keep your existing business model relevant by refreshing value propositions and go-to-market strategies


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In a nutshell

Business models can expire – just like yogurt in the fridge. Many companies find themselves in situations of “someone moved my cheese,” facing dropping profits, customer churn, losing out against aggressive competition, and more. This program is aimed at executives looking to preserve the existing business model’s relevance with a facelift and create business results within the next quarter or half year.


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Efficient and focused

In just a few weeks, get sharply focused results that let you make decisions about directions for innovation and growth of your business model


Keeps risks to a minimum

This process connects with the reality on the ground in its early stages, presenting facts so you can make decisions with the least risk

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Fast business model evaluation

Through systematic dismantling of your business model, you’ll receive a deep analysis that precisely indicates the components that need a refresh


How does it work?

Creating business improvement alternatives and testing initial market feasibility


1. Adopting perspective

  • Focusing on business targets / challenge

  • Background dialogue and building situational picture

  • Assembling the most suitable team for the task

  • Precisely designing and planning the desired end products

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2. Evaluating existing business model portfolio

  • Defining strategic boundaries – what is most appropriate?

  • Familiarization with business design and modeling tools

  •  Creating storehouse of assets for the existing model

  • Recognizing potentially disruptive events


3. Designing alternatives to handle existing challenge for validation in the field

  • Gaining familiarity with templates for successful business models

  • Extreme scenario games to break with convention

  • Understanding the business environment through external influences on the business model

  • Designing potential alternatives for validation

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4. Market discovery research

  • Detailed breakdown of customer / decision-maker profile

  • Mapping value propositions for alternatives and competitors

  • Identifying elements to retain / abandon

  • Focusing the value proposition (competitive differentiation)

  • Creating insights about components of the business model (channels, partners, income and pricing models)

  • Identifying recurring patterns and templates that hone your ability to design and validate a growth model


5. Selecting and designing MVP validation experiments

  • Designing validation experiments based on lean startup methodology

  • Defining focus, activities, and success/failure metrics for MVP experimentation

  • Predefining pivot points in accordance with experimentation process

Share your greatest challenges with us

אנחנו פה כדי
לפתח תוכניות פעולה מעשיות שירתמו את הכוח האצור בארגון שלך,
לכיוון אחד. לצמוח.

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